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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing ? Big  Technology  This topic is the most debated topics covered with that kind of technology changes but you're saying around us three large industrial revolutions what happened in the eighteen to nineteen century second one happened just before the world war one start one but you're seeing today with all happening everyday search space hundred forty one which is going to unfold in the future is based on digital revolution what you're saying today added with new tech technology ideas like clouds mobility artificial intelligence yeah it is going to transform businesses beyond our imagination hold the traditional businesses are going to change rapidly using technology we are going to see more and more is sharing economy rather than what kind of capital intensive manpower intensive to sync look up the organizations of the twentieth century its old bulky capital intensive operations going to be in the twenty-first century ora set light strip ligh...

what is seo and how it works ?

what is SEO and how it works what is seo and how it works      i'm one of the people you tal   k to when you call plus your bluehost have you ever wondered how to help more people find a website well here bluehost we host almost two million websites and we have a lot of parents helping clients successfully increased traffic one of the best ways to do this this they what's called a search engine optimization or SEO for sure the goal of this video is to give you a basic overview of how search engines you can better understand what search engine optimization or SEO is all about let's get started as of today there are over one hundred and thirty million register websites out there on the internet to sort through most of us rely on search engines to find where you want any search engines have become so good at ninety percent of people using internet in the find things now there's lots of good surgeons out there what about eighty three percent of people world ...

blogger vs wordpress which is better ?

blogger vs wordpress       wordpress vs blog i help you  make an informed decision on which is the best blogging platform for you specifically we wouldnt have a compare in terms of getting started pricing design customization options and there are a number of platforms at your disposal and reveal how you make your decision to ensure you get the best return on your time and money investment so stay tuned to learn more what create a blog post that goes into a little more details could you can access on the oakland oakland oh okay lol dot com slash blog will add a direct link to the posting description below will also include a link to each platform so you can learn more about each content management system what CMS let's get to it and can't pay blah vs wordpress blog is a free online booking platform created by labs back in nineteen ninety nine and was acquired by google in two thousand three you can setup free blog which is hosted by google as a sub-domain o...